Intuition Summit
with Jacki Beem
Live Summit dates have passed, but you can still watch the videos here:
The SPOT ON Intuition Summit features a 5-part informational video series where you will learn how intuition works, how it gets blocked, how to distinguish intuitive nudges from the ego's thoughts, and more!
The mission of this summit is to help you open your intuitive channels, and expand the number of humans on this planet who are awake, aware, and able to clearly see truth at all times! 
We'll cover all things intuition:
  • Learn how (and why) your intuition gets blocked
  • Activate your ability to psychically see, hear, feel, and know information immediately
  •  Learn what leads you to ignoring and doubting the intuitive nudges you do get.
  • Activate the neural pathways in your brain that increase your capacity for intuitive downloads and experiences
  • Hear from highly trained intuitive coaches about the various methods they use to enhance their psychic abilities.
Watch the Intuition Summit videos here:

With the optional $29 Summit Bundle, you'll have lifetime access to (1) all five informational summit videos, (2) our "Activating an Intuitive Pathway" meditation, (3) a recorded group clearing webinar to release the "I Don't Know" patterns in your brain, and (4) seven powerful interviews with these experts who have careers helping people enhance their intuition:

Michelle Giliberto

In this chat, we discuss the physical blocks in the Pineal Gland and the Vagus Nerve that are preventing the brain from feeling safe to receive intuitive information. A must watch!

Jolie Dawn

Learn how Jolie mastered the art of putting intuitive nudges into action (in the face of fear), and built a massive business, following, portfolio, and more by taking bold, GUIDED action!

Vicky Lincoln

We discuss how Human Design helps you tap into your unique style of intuition, and how to feel intuition in your body based on the way you are uniquely designed.

Samantha Rispoli

Learn how Samantha uses her intuitive superpowers to conduct Past Life Regressions, and how this type of work helps people to access their own intuition.

Dani Kenney

Watch along as Jacki conducts a powerful energy healing session to help this talented business coach get to the root of (and clear) her biggest intuitive blocks! BONUS: clear your own blocks as you watch!

Dr. Kira Capozzolo

SRI Breathing techniques to assist the brain and body in connecting with your natural rhythms, and creating a safe pathway for intuitive messages to come in.

Dr. Suzanna Wong

SRI Breathing techniques to assist the brain and body in connecting with your natural rhythms, and creating a safe pathway for intuitive messages to come in.

Katrina Johnson

Find out how Katrina went from feeling intuitively blocked to becoming a Hi-Watt Living intuitive coach... while using her intuitive gifts to create tons of success in her corporate job!
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