2025 Success Activations!

The beginning of a new year often comes with a fresh set of ideas, goals, and intentions. But a lot of us are trying to create something big (or work on new projects) while we're holding doubt, hesitation, resistance, and possibly some old patterns around lack. And these energies are making it feel hard for ideas to come through, and for plans to be successfully executed.

So this January, I'll be leading you through a 2-week (4 webinar) process of (1) releasing the stuck energies that are holding you back, and (2) activating the high vibrations that help you to create your reality, such as certainty, confidence, productivity, and overflow. 

A lot of prosperity and success will be available for ambitious people in this year. And sometimes we need a little bit of energizing, inspiration, and motivation. This quick (and powerful) series is meant to provide the energetic "jump start" you need so you can move into the vibration of your most successful self in 2025.
  Clearing Lack & Activating Overflow
  Clearing Hesitation & Activating Confidence
  Clearing Resistance & Activating Productivity
  Clearing Doubt & Activating Certainty
Bonus Meditation:
  Embodying your Knowledge, Expertise, and Authority (from Hi-Watt Business School).
This 11 minute meditation moves you into a state where you remember (and vibrate) with confidence, certainty, and clarity about your gifts and talents, and helps you remember how much value you are providing (so others can feel this from you). This is an essential state to be in when you are trying to sell yourself or your offering. 
Total Value: $400
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